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Installing the DarkRP Gamemode

DarkRP is a base framework to create a crime based RP experience. There are lots of free creations and addons on the Steam workshop to make your server its own. Premium addons are also available to purchase on websites such as gmodstore.

Installing DarkRP using the Horizon gamepanel

  1. Go to the Game Panel and go to your server.
  2. Navigate to the “mods” tab.
  3. Locate “DarkRP” under the gamemodes section and click install.
  4. Locate “DarkRP Modification” under the addons section and click install.
  5. Go to the startup tab and enter darkrp into the gamemode variable (This is case sensitive).
  6. Restart/Start your server.


  • Please ensure you have also changed “sandbox” to “darkrp” in your game server’s gamemode variable in the startup tab.
  • Be careful not to modify or delete any of the core game files, as this may mean you will need to reinstall your entire Garry’s Mod server!
  • We suggest using an additional addon called “DarkRP Modification” which allows for easy modification of the game mode.
    • If any errors occur, check the console for any error messages to then search the error online or create a ticket.